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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> #newspaper { border: solid black 1px; background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow; columns: 3; gap: 50px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>The gap Property with multi-column layout</h1> <p>Use the <em>gap</em> property to in a multi-column layout to specify the size of the gap between the columns.</p> <p>This multi-column layout has a 50px gap between the columns:</p> <div id="newspaper"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ac maximus dui. Duis mollis dictum eros id elementum. Nunc et gravida tortor. Suspendisse ut ornare ex, quis eleifend nibh. Cras cursus ornare est, vitae imperdiet sapien tempus egestas. Maecenas vel molestie velit. Aliquam consequat, tortor eget interdum feugiat, dolor urna finibus erat, ut scelerisque nisi est ac nibh. Vestibulum convallis mauris ipsum, non suscipit purus vestibulum vitae. Suspendisse massa augue, laoreet sed euismod ac, congue eu ex. Curabitur sem erat, tempus at magna eu, vestibulum mollis purus. Integer posuere dapibus efficitur. </div> <p><strong>Note: </strong>Gap property is currently not supported for multi-column layout in Safari version 16.</p> </body> </html>